The inspiring Walt Whitman once said, "charity and personal force are the only investments worth anything." NeoFill is very proud to partner with media groups assisting in charity auctions nationwide! By providing the highest quality and most flexible online auction system, our partnerships with media groups continue to expand. NeoFill’s online auction platform allows nonprofit organizations to raise substantial revenue. Charity auction(s) offer a unique new way for media groups to secure an amazing item and produce fast revenue for a great cause.
Through our online auction platform, NeoFillBids.com, media groups have the ability to offer local merchants and companies a risk-free promotional package, in exchange for once in a lifetime items! Running a charity auction, the media company is able to decide what organization they would enjoy the proceeds to go towards. This opportunity can truly expand relationships within a community, and NeoFill is here to assist you build that connection along the way.
Also using consistent social media promotion, the radio station was able to captivate and engage their audience. What better way in this day of age to announce a charity auction than by promoting through social media platforms? Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are all great platforms media groups can utilize to advertise their auction. Social media is essential to stay up to date and also build connections with your audience. NeoFill continues to offer valuable tips and resources to help stations get the most out of each auction.
Just like Walt Whitman, we want to add value and high quality to your media group, and we think a charity auction would be an amazing way to do so. A partnership with NeoFill can help any media company nationwide monetize their digital assets and exceed revenue opportunities. NeoFillBids.com is an online Auction Platform that is available to all our media partners-new or old!
Please contact us today to learn more!
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